Digital Transformation Of Enterprises - Importance Of Technology & CXO's Role!!

Arvind Singh, Head- Mobility, Future Group India

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Digital Transformation Of Enterprises - Importance Of Technology & CXO's Role!!With rising com­petition, op­erational cost & IT Budget going down in recent years, CXOs have very critical role in increasing enterprise productivity by harnessing existing limited IT re­sources intelligently & efficiently, connecting employees & bringing workplace efficiency.

The technology leaders should bring digital transformation & en­courage its adoption in the organiza­tions to enable connectivity between people, processes, products, plat­forms & partners.

For a interconnected enterprise, staying connected and relevant with ever-changing business models and product lines becomes possible by embracing solutions powered by so­cial, mobile, cloud, analytics.

Every piece of information gener­ated by people, device or system, is precious data as it leads to meaning­ful information for an organization which could be exploited for competi­tive edge so its important that data, in terms of email, chats, documents, images, reports & forms is properly managed, kept secure & is continu­ously analysed to draw meaningful in­formation leading to valued business decisions in a cost effective manner.

As a CXO, one should promote a single view & defined method for information related to the planning, selection, acquisition, operation and retirement of assets so asset could be properly used, adequately main­tained & utilized before they could be retired

Instead of spending heavily in procuring applications & softwares, installations’ charges & maintenance cost as traditional approach, going for more cost effective, software or platform as a service (Software as a services - SAAS / Platform As A Service - PAAS), on-demand scalable cloud Infrastruc­ture is the way to go.

IT  leaders should invest in right tools & frameworks to simplify in­formation flows & workplace trans­formation to bring Transparency, Agility, Speed, Productivity & Con­sistency for a Sustainable output in the delivery practices.

As an organizations its important to be Lean in terms of people & in­fra to stay competitive. All intense paper based documentation or com­munication are error prone & bring dissatisfaction at different levels. As IT leader, we should promote a pa­perless or green organization as its digital, cost effective, efficient, bet­ter managed, easily locatable & leads to better communication & greater customer satisfaction.

Embrace simplified, constantly ready and prioritized IT infrastruc­ture to deliver increasingly elevated degrees of business impact and rel­evance. Investing in innovation & automation, building micro-services (API), backend-as-a-service (BAAS), responsive design etc assures produc­tivity through operational efficiency & services availability.

IT should enable collabora­tion between t-eams, geographies & choosing right talent & partners to increase efficiency, productivity & building seamless, enriched end-user experience & engagement.

CXO should put strategy around Security, Compliance, Access Control.

Awareness and Trainings to reduce risks & keep long run ex­penses & costs in control. Putting framework & repository for con­tent and Knowledge Management to encourage Re-Usability and In­novation proves very handy for any organization.

Enabling HR processes, employ­ee work assignments & reporting, ap­provals, leaves & attendance, expense management, incentive plans, KRA settings and appraisal processes on integrated digital platform seamlessly & securely accessible across multiple channels would bring speed & ef­ficiency. It will also make the work­place digital and employee friendly.

IT should ensure right product & software applications development and release processes, code reposito­ries, setting up development, staging and production environments with right IT policies, security & com­pliances are ensured. Define SLAs, checklists, processes & responsibili­ties for timely IT requests resolu­tion without impacting the project release dates.

CXO should build IT landscape around users rather than the tradi­tional ways of focusing first on ser­vices, tools and platforms. Emphasize on effective processes and informa­tion flows refinement & real-time service integrations to drive timely actionable information.

Invest in Apps, IoT & Analytics applying advances technology like ML(MACHINE LEARNING) & AI(Artifical Intellgence) to provide insights in sales & performance,  enabling business process streamlining & data driven decision making rather than going with gut feeling to ensure that us­ers across the value chain are better aligned with the business objectives.

IT leaders always look out for ar­eas & operational/ business processes needs to be streamlined.  Repetitive tasks like generating reports, record­ing customer complaints, maintain­ing release process, manual audit, inwarding and out warding invento­ries checklists, invoices, credit notes, carrying surveys, collecting feedback etc leads to monotonous & unpro­ductive workplace making employ­ees unhappy, prone to manual errors & inefficiencies. Once the processes are identified, analysed & its value is measured, it should be automated by IT.

As part of workflow transforma­tion, Identification of bottlenecks & loopholes, unnecessary steps in cur­rent processes should also get ad­dressed.  A CXO should promote putting a governance body to evalu­ate the investment or expenses be­ing incurred. Also should encourage process management organisation to ensure that the projects & initia­tives are following the best practices & processes, and being executed in a cost effective manner.

Mobility initiatives like BYOD goes long way increasing produc­tivity, bringing high level of Em­ployee satisfaction, customer en­gagement & retention by providing flexibility any channel (or device), anytime, anywhere.

Making enterprise mobile enabled is the way to go!! as then employees will feel more Empowered & in-turn Maximize output so has a high ROI.

The CXO has a vital strategic role to enable IT to help transform organ­ization to a digitally interconnected workplace, with enhanced processes and productive workforce & big a stimulus to be more competitive & cost effective in the intense competi­tion of today’s economy.

Technology is an enabler but or­ganization’s people & its culture plays a critical role in adoption & execution through this journey. They should accept the need, are ready to change, actively participate & contribute to the journey of digital transformation. Seamless customer experience in the new loyalty program and data is the new edge fuel. This requires a mind­set transformation lead from top to bottom & just can’t be done by Technology alone.

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